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Ability to move in-game message box

Ability to move in-game message box

Site Ideas


So at the moment if you're opponent sends a message you press reply and fill in the box, but the box usually covers part of your opponents message, which if it's a long one you sometimes want to read through again while writing your reply. Being able to to drag it across to another part of the screen would easily solve this.

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Originally posted by Trev33
So at the moment if you're opponent sends a message you press reply and fill in the box, but the box usually covers part of your opponents message, which if it's a long one you sometimes want to read through again while writing your reply. Being able to to drag it across to another part of the screen would easily solve this.
Good idea as my replies tend to be "wordy" but then, that's me eh? 😉

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I'm just waiting on the much-delayed bootstrap release (v4) to hit beta, and I'll be doing a UI refresh then. Will definitely keep this in mind. A good time to raise any other UI issues, if you have any, too.

2 edits

The present message box can be frustrating. The OK button is close to the edge and very close to the reply button and if you touch anywhere outside the box all your typing disappears. I guess the two problems overlap. Perhaps the message box could and have an extra button for cancel and not just disappear.


I to don’t see why the message box can’t be some where else on the page, have your tech guys go over to chess.com and take a look, they have a chat box on the far right on the page, It shows all the chat’s that have gone on between you and that opponent, plus there’s a message place that is totally separate from the chat, it just seems to me that for someone that knows what there doing it would not be that hard to rearrange things to make all this happen, just my two cents, Mary.


There have been instances when I have typed in a tome of a message to have it disappear by my doing something (hitting something). Could there be a fail safe message come up saying something like "are you sure?"

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Originally posted by @great-big-stees
There have been instances when I have typed in a tome of a message to have it disappear by my doing something (hitting something). Could there be a fail safe message come up saying something like "are you sure?"
Yes, there can be, and should be.

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Originally posted by @russ
I'm just waiting on the much-delayed bootstrap release (v4) to hit beta, and I'll be doing a UI refresh then. Will definitely keep this in mind. A good time to raise any other UI issues, if you have any, too.
As mentioned in my "website on mobile" SI thread, I have noticed a link to the current "Results" page missing from clan games viewed on my phone. And I mean viewing this from my web browser, not the mobile app. Maybe it's lower on the page or something, but I don't see it.

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