I've made a couple of suggestions that got lots of support and I've supported a few good suggestions that others have made, but there is no way that I know of to be sure that the RHP designers have taken any notice or where they are in making decisions.
suggestion: Have some way with an icon or something that appears in the thread postings that shows that the designers have paid attention. the icon could go to their responses, something like "we hear you and are taking a look" or "you are out of your mind, that will never happen" etc
Originally posted by coquetteI think this is a good idea.
I've made a couple of suggestions that got lots of support and I've supported a few good suggestions that others have made, but there is no way that I know of to be sure that the RHP designers have taken any notice or where they are in making decisions.
suggestion: Have some way with an icon or something that appears in the thread postings that shows tha ...[text shortened]... hear you and are taking a look" or "you are out of your mind, that will never happen" etc
Often I see a really good suggestion to improved this already good site to a somewhat better one. Other members agree and a fruitful debate arises, evolving the suggestion into higher levels. But Russ and Chris isn't there responding. And nothing happens. Do these suggestions fall in some kind of limbo? No one knows.
An icon that the suggestion is read is appreciated. But also a word or two from Russ or Chris.
Furthermore - I would like to see Russ and Chris to-do list. What is going on? What are they doing right now to improve the site? What new options and functions are being programmed right now? What is high priority and what is low priority? What is easy done and what of the things of the to-do list are harder to accomplish?
Simply put - I'd like more feed back from Russ and Chris what's going on.
Originally posted by Daemon SinThat's a great idea! No one I acknowledge has ever come up with this idea.
A simple solution would be to just a have a closed sticky thread at the top of the Site Ideas forum listing which ideas are being considered. The admin could just edit/update the thread appropriately.
Sometimes posts get acknowledged, even told that the idea is already in the pipeline, but nothing happens.
Maybe a "Waiting List" for ideas could be created, where suggestions may be posted. Then they could be acknowledged and commented upon by all and sundry, and if they're unreasonable or unfeasible, they can be removed (maybe to a "Rejected Ideas" forum) by Russ/Chris. At least then people would know the status of their suggestion.
Unless you read the "Site Map" listing a new arrival does not even know we have a voting system, which apparently isn't much used.
Perhaps we could be allowed to put much-discussed ideas up for some kind of unofficial vote. Seems to me that I read a lot of good ideas in this forum and it's a bit sad that they don't appear to go anywhere further.