RHP is my favorite website. I have told all my friends about it. I support RHP in every way I can. But with 2 jobs for college tuition and humble living expenses; no matter how much I would like it to be otherwise, I just cannot afford to subscribe.
With that said, lets get down to brass tacks.
I would like to put forth an idea to support loyalty. On a nonsubscriber's RHP birthday (365 days after joining,) give him a seventh game slot. Each additional year give another game slot. It would show RHP's appreciation for its member's loyalty.
I haven't given this idea either a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down, but I can see lots of problems with it. Why support long membership on the site, rather than level of activity? I could play one game, disappear for 5 years, come back and expect to get 10 games if your idea was taken up. Maybe make it after 100 or 500 completed games ...
Originally posted by invictusaWell, really, it's quite simple.
Fascinating how this suggestion gets so much denial without a word spoken. Seriously, it was a suggestion. Why not be respectful and refute it with your logic or lack thereof.
The owners of this site offer you six games for free. That means you're taking up six games worth of their server space without giving anything in return. Server space that costs them money.
I'd say it's rather generous of them to offer you six games for free. After all, they could just as well offer you nothing. Doing so would have no adverse effect on them.
With that in mind, I think it's really a bit inconsiderate to ask for more, rather than being greatful for the excellent services that the site owners already offer out of charity.
Originally posted by Kewpie
I haven't given this idea either a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down, but I can see lots of problems with it. Why support long membership on the site, rather than level of activity? I could play one game, disappear for 5 years, come back and expect to get 10 games if your idea was taken up. Maybe make it after 100 or 500 completed games ...
I agree with you. The unrefined idea I put forth could be taken advantage of. I like the idea of rewarding completed games though. Rewarding 100 completed games would be generous and give our new less fortunate members just cause to remain loyal in order to attain a goal. 500 completed games would definitely warrant some sort of recognition. Whether it be an additional game slot, a temporary subscription, or at least an email saying thank you.
As for the naysayers, much space is given to nonsubscribers. Yes, I agree with you. But what would this website be without them?
I put all my heart and soul into my 6 games (No engines, no book coaching, no wins/losses/draws due to transposition of skill.) I have made idiotic blunders and beaten subscribers who more than likely could have beaten you. When I see an opponent with +30 concurrent games it makes my heart sink to ponder what his response is when I beat him.
I merely wish I could put all my heart and soul into a 7th, click the refresh button numerous times per day, and give you elitists a seventh reason to have an amazing site such as this.
Or do you really think you contribute more than the majority?
I don't have any problem with nonsubs, you have to suffer those revolting ads and have to sit around waiting for 6 opponents to make a move. The more players on the site, the better when it comes to finding opponents at your rating level. On the other hand, if nobody paid up the site probably wouldn't exist, so I don't think there should be too many handouts. Ever considered telling the family what you'd like to have for Christmas?
Originally posted by invictusayou have only played 31 games in 9 and a half months. do play 21/28 day games if you want to play more. play 1/0 or 1/3 and have a faster turn over. thats free advice because you will not get anything else free on here apart from thumbs down, 🙄
Originally posted by Kewpie
[b]I haven't given this idea either a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down, but I can see lots of problems with it. Why support long membership on the site, rather than level of activity? I could play one game, disappear for 5 years, come back and expect to get 10 games if your idea was taken up. Maybe make it after 100 or 500 ...[text shortened]... an amazing site such as this.
Or do you really think you contribute more than the majority?
Originally posted by invictusayou can also play blitz on here for additional games
RHP is my favorite website. I have told all my friends about it. I support RHP in every way I can. But with 2 jobs for college tuition and humble living expenses; no matter how much I would like it to be otherwise, I just cannot afford to subscribe.
With that said, lets get down to brass tacks.
I would like to put forth an idea to support loya ...[text shortened]... onal year give another game slot. It would show RHP's appreciation for its member's loyalty.
Originally posted by invictusaThere are lots of ways to cut back or gain money such as get a third job, walk to college, cut out one beer a month, do without lunch one day - it won't kill you, wash your neighbours car and charge them a couple of quid.
RHP is my favorite website. I have told all my friends about it. I support RHP in every way I can. But with 2 jobs for college tuition and humble living expenses; no matter how much I would like it to be otherwise, I just cannot afford to subscribe.
With that said, lets get down to brass tacks.
I would like to put forth an idea to support loya ...[text shortened]... onal year give another game slot. It would show RHP's appreciation for its member's loyalty.
Before you know it you will have the money required saved up and the ability to play tens, hundreds or thousands of games at the same time.
It beggars belief that an adult living in America cannot afford to set aside seventy-five cents a day to subscribe to the best CC site, bar none. Just what in Mary's name do you do with your money ?? Jesus wept.
PS edit ....be thankful that I don't have any say in the non-sub scum game level because if I did it would be six free games p.a. no matter the time frame !
Thanks to all for taking into consideration my proposal, I will henceforth remove from the menu ramen cups. Ramen rectangles should suffice as a replacement and reduce Styrofoam buildup. In addition I willl attempt to pawn off my text books to the commies and use the library texts. I will donate my blood to vampires and invalids and hope that perhaps afterwards I can gain enough respect with a star to actually have a suggestion of mine considered. As for skeeter trolling on something that has nothing to do with him: once you learn how to play without coaching . . . I'll be waiting.
Originally posted by invictusaYou live in the USA, not in Sierra Leone, you can afford an internet connection, but you can't afford those $40? Pull the other one, it has bells on. If you want those extra games, cough up.
RHP is my favorite website. I have told all my friends about it. I support RHP in every way I can. But with 2 jobs for college tuition and humble living expenses; no matter how much I would like it to be otherwise, I just cannot afford to subscribe.
(And before anyone calls me out for hypocrisy: no, I myself don't need, or indeed want, those extra games. If I did, I would.)