Originally posted by P4ulthis deserves more attention than it is getting
It would be helpful if I could open the Analyze Board window from the My Games page so I don't need to click into the game. The first thing I do when looking at a game is open Analyze Board. Maybe have a link next to Info and Log?
there's no harm
i haven't thought of doing this
it makes sense
how tough can it be?
I have just added this to the new build.
The new "my games" page has a three views,
- a compact list view (similar to current view)
- an expanded list, showing opponent avatar plus some further details
- gallery mode showing a preview board. (Screen grab linked here)
The direct link to analyze board has been added to the last two. Due to the new fixed width layout, it can't be added to the compact list view.
Analazye board looks something like this) now.
Anything shown in the above is liable to change, of course. I'm having quite a few problems with legacy browsers right now.
Just another reminder, IE6 is not going to be supported from this new update.