Is there anyway to toggle off the ability to use the analyze board during a game and/or to know that your opponent does not have the ability to use it.
I have a friend that insist on not using it and will claim I do during our games. I would like to have the ability to set the game up to not offer this option.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
correct, there is no way to keep someone from setting up the pieces on a different board, even an electronic one.
even more important though, is that the analysis board is an excellent tool and one that absolutely SHOULD be used. give up any notion that the analysis board is in any way a dishonorable way to play. it's the only way that makes sense in correspondence chess.
This site is based on correspondence chess, where it would be expected that you would have a board handy to view the position (since you're sending moves back and forth through the mail), and of course you'd be able to do analysis on it as well.
If you want to avoid that, you could always go to one of the many sites that let you play live games.
Originally posted by incandenzaIncluding the Play blitz option here!
This site is based on correspondence chess, where it would be expected that you would have a board handy to view the position (since you're sending moves back and forth through the mail), and of course you'd be able to do analysis on it as well.
If you want to avoid that, you could always go to one of the many sites that let you play live games.
Originally posted by dirt dogTo the contrary.
Thanks, unfortunately he thinks using the analyze board is some form of cheating. Does anyone else think that?
For my part, I wish that the rhp analysis board had *more* functionality. Currently, I shadow all my rhp games on DBSchess, the email chess analysis tool I used before joining rhp. It works fine when I'm at my home computer; but, as a Windows rather than java program, I can't access it from any broadband connected computer like I can with my rhp games. I'd *love* to see the DBSchess level of analysis functionality on the rhp analysis board. :-)
Are there other DBSchess users here? :-)
Thx! :-)