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Android App 5.2.0

Android App 5.2.0

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Latest Android build is available for testing. This is a maintenance release only, the most noticeable update being that all Facebook integration has been removed.

This will be true for all apps in the future as we move away from Facebook integration for signing up and logging in.

Android App 5.2.0

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Is it possible to post to forums using the app?

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@kmax87 said
Is it possible to post to forums using the app?
It is not.

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@Russ said
It is not.
I was kind of hoping it was possible, then the RHP experience could be a one stop shop. I find game play using the app just better. Don't get me wrong. Playing games in a browser has improved by a few hundred percent, and if I only have a couple of games on I will use the web browser (Chrome) to play them and continue on in forums, but if three of four or more games are up I will launch the app. 1st world problems right, but it would be nice to go from games to forums inside the app. Anyhow...

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