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Beginner's board

Beginner's board

Site Ideas

2 edits

Hi, is it possible to add a board like this:


to the board themes? For beginning and improving players it could help them stay focused on the centresquares. As non-sub scum I have no right to ask for anything but maybe someone likes the idea.


Originally posted by Stamp
Hi, is it possible to add a board like this:


to the board themes? For beginning and improving players it could help them stay focused on the centresquares. As non-sub scum I have no right to ask for anything but maybe someone likes the idea.
please don't demean non-subs. i think every sub was probably a non-sub at one time. i was one for 6 months. i am no less scum now than i was then.

i don't like the board because the colors are just too distracting. by that, i mean that anyone who can benefit from that type of board will be past that point in about 10 games or so

now, maybe a variation, where perimeter squares are just slightly shaded, and maybe the board squares get a little brighter in the middle during your move - only

maybe, just maybe, the squares where the knights can move brighten when the cursor goes over the knight or the diagonal squares light up a little brighter when the cursor goes over the bishop, that might be a help

i think the programming is beyond the interests of our designers, though, but it would be a pretty cool learning board

rated games should only count with standard boards, of course, right?

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Hi Coquette, thanks for the feedback. The nonsub scum was just a wink to someone rhymes with cheater. You're probably right about the colors being too distracting, maybe something more subtle. But i respectfully disagree about only benefiting only 10 games or so from it, which off course would still be benefit. I think using a board like that would really give new players a kickstart, because you can't forget what is in front of your eyes.

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Originally posted by Stamp
Hi, is it possible to add a board like this:


to the board themes? For beginning and improving players it could help them stay focused on the centresquares.
I'm not sure that's a good idea. Yes, the centre squares are important, and controlling them is an advantage; but there are many ways to do that, and they're not as important in one game as in another. Focusing too much on the centre could be as damaging as obsessing over the bishop pair, or as hanging on to a single pawn to all costs - and both of those have cost grand masters their games.


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Hey Richard, yes it's true i borrowed a book from the library called "schaken met verstand" by Max Euwe, wherein he stresses the importance of the centersquares, and i imagined a couple of blitzgames i played focusing on that went better than usual, but probably it was coincidence! Still if the option was available i'd definitely choose it as my boardtheme.

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it was a knight that i was hanging on to, mainly

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Originally posted by Stamp
Hi, is it possible to add a board like this:


to the board themes? For beginning and improving players it could help them stay focused on the centresquares. As non-sub scum I have no right to ask for anything but maybe someone likes the idea.
You're breakin my balls. 😞

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