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Being able to click on last page of the thread

Being able to click on last page of the thread

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When you click on large thread it shows the first 20 pages, and you have to keep clicking on the arrow to see pages after that. 'Twould be nice if you could just go to the last page right away.

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Originally posted by Raven69
When you click on large thread it shows the first 20 pages, and you have to keep clicking on the arrow to see pages after that. 'Twould be nice if you could just go to the last page right away.
You can, by clicking on the date.

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Originally posted by reader1107
You can, by clicking on the date.
Doesn't that tickle? 😕

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Originally posted by Ice Cold
Doesn't that tickle? 😕
Well, you can't do it on the first date, but after you get to know each other better ...

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Originally posted by Raven69
When you click on large thread it shows the first 20 pages, and you have to keep clicking on the arrow to see pages after that. 'Twould be nice if you could just go to the last page right away.
Clicking on the date and not the thread title, under last post, takes you to the last page straight away.

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Originally posted by Bad wolf
Clicking on the date and not the thread title, under last post, takes you to the last page straight away.
Ohhh...*feels stupid* Lol!

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