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change the smiley face skin color

change the smiley face skin color

Site Ideas

2 edits

having the faces yellow might be viewed as a slur against south asians...and with their pointy little eyes that you can't see when the smiley smiles...clearly a shot at asians. 😏 <---need i say more?

I suggest changing the colour to Boston Harbour, Sunbeam Iridescence, or maybe even Oxford Highlights. RHP needs to get politically correct before the hashtag applicators descend on mass to label the site a non-conformist vestige of the diversity illiterate internet past.....

Better yet, get rid of the smileys entirely so that you don't offend people who can't move their facial muscles...They might see your smiley's as a digital slap in the face!


While we're at it, could we have a braille interface, too?


Originally posted by @moonbus
While we're at it, could we have a braille interface, too?
Oh, that'd be great on my touchscreen!

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