Could we have a chat option for the main site similar to what already exists in the blitz microsite? For example, the ability to call someone who is currently on-line and have a dialog box open up that both people could use instead of having to PM back and forth (or run over to the microsite).
Originally posted by ErekoseThis is a correspondence chess site not a chat room.
Could we have a chat option for the main site similar to what already exists in the blitz microsite? For example, the ability to call someone who is currently on-line and have a dialog box open up that both people could use instead of having to PM back and forth (or run over to the microsite).
There are plenty of places to 'chat' on line - I don't see the appeal of spending development time here to duplicate what already exists out there.
I have a number of occaison where I'm "chatting back and forth" using PMs about chess or site issues. The situations that prompted the request are cases where I've answered one or two PMs, gotten up to do something else for a bit, and then come back to a message that says something like "Are you going to answer?"
I've also had a number of nice chats with people in the blitz room.