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Computer user flag

Computer user flag

Site Ideas

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It would be very useful to have a flag indicating players who admit to using computers. This would be most useful when issuing challenges, rather than the current option of whether or not they have a picture. I'm not interested in playing computers, but at the moment I have to read profiles to try to find this out.

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Originally posted by ScottishDave
I'm not interested in playing computers, but at the moment I have to read profiles to try to find this out.
????? because there's actually someone who says "I'll play with computer advice" in their profile?

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Originally posted by ScottishDave
It would be very useful to have a flag indicating players who admit to using computers. This would be most useful when issuing challenges, rather than the current option of whether or not they have a picture. I'm not interested in playing computers, but at the moment I have to read profiles to try to find this out.
Computer use isn't allowed on RHP.

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If you subscribe then the computer users are easier to spot.

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(b) You will not use chess engines, chess software, chess computers or consult any third party to assist you in any game. Chess books and databases can be consulted during play

There would never be a "computer" flag. People whom are using computers are kicked of the site.

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Originally posted by ScottishDave
It would be very useful to have a flag indicating players who admit to using computers.
I agree, it would be very useful! It would save the Game Mods many hours of investigation trying to uncover cheaters.

It just needs a tiny little option in the profile settings. An "I am cheating" honesty button. When you switch it on, for safety sake, an "Are you sure you are cheating?" dialog should pop up.

The moment you confirm in the affirmative, all your games are automatically resigned, your account is deleted, and you receive email notification of your permanent banning from RHP.

I must say, I really like it! Just one small snag....

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Originally posted by Fisich
????? because there's actually someone who says "I'll play with computer advice" in their profile?
Game 1256345

here is our message log ( i have never posted one of these before ... these are private conversations from one to another ... but i feel that "shredder" will not mind this)

1 White hello!
1 Black You of course know that I am a computer. I am not optimised to my full potential, but I am always learning. I tell you I am a computer so that you can back out if you are challenging me in err. This is a rated game...thank you. I feel I deserve my just rewards for my effort, unlike my brothers, sisters and cousins that litter this site like the plague in many guises. If all is agreable to you...Away we go. Good luck, I hope you beat me.
2 White i am quite keen to play shredder. it will test my opening, and demonstrate something to me i am sure! i do this on the condition that this account is pure shredder - not just sometimes. i would even like to start a second game where it uses no opening book. i always like to play unusual players - i have played most of our top twenty players and a lot of other "comets" following their own path. i wish you the best of luck🙂 and like you - i wish me more luck than shredder!
2 Black It will be pure shredder. I am finding out much about this program and am quite surprised at the amount of work one needs to put into it. For example last night I spent the good part of five hours looking for all of the variations of the Queen Pawn opening; needless to say I still have much to do. This engine apparently learns from its mistakes by playing and analyzing. It is only as good as the games it has seen and it will define how it plays them out. Unlike chessmaster it is more than an engine that looks for the best move, but is tactical. Hopefully the admins don’t shut down the account. We will see.
3 White wow - you are not just using shredder - you are really exploring - good! it sounds as though shredders opening is very closely linked to what it has played - or does it use an opening database of human games?
3 Black From what I can understand it uses books but it also stores knowledge of games played and analyzed on its board. It learns from its mistakes and successes. I have had it play chessmaster a couple of times now. The first time chessmaster beat it two out of three times, but now that I have been feeding the program, it kicks chessmaster around. When an opening is played against it that I have not played on it I go online and track down as many games as I can using that position and let shredder work through all the games. It really likes Bobby Fischers games.
4 White have a look: http://web.telia.com/~u85924109/ssdf/list.htm the program you have there should make mincemeat of chessmaster ... if you set it up right - you are in the saddle of a monster! good luck in the rodeo!!!!!
4 Black I am working up to a site ban. The site mob is after me. Oh well. What I cant understand is why it is such a problem to have a chess engine on site if people know it is. I just hate the ones that pretend to be people. I have not seen this machine make any stellar moves in this game yet.

shredder has not made a move since july 10 ... i hope it moves soon.

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Nice post, Flexmore. Maybe what should happen is that Russ creates a separate category of "computer-assisted" user that has separate ratings, player tables and tournaments. But when playing against regular "human" members, the games are unrated...

However, as things now stand, your friend is breaking the TOS, regardless of how open and candid he/she may be.

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has anyone ever put together a list of users who use engines.

If so where is it.

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Originally posted by richiemcd
has anyone ever put together a list of users who use engines.

If so where is it.
I put it down here somewhere....

Ok Jokers - Who took my list?????

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I think I heard that that Russ guy was caught, now he has to pay back his subscription fee in programming..😵

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Maybe we can also add a Moron Flag that we can select.. that would help me deciding who to play as well..

Are you a Moron? Yes/No... and we can use the Find Player feature looking for all the morons, and just challenge them.
Heck.. we could have the moron tournament, and the winner can have the privilege of upgrading to "Are you slightly dumb Yes/No"

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