Other than imminent mobile app updates, nothing other than bug fixes will be arriving for a little while. On the whole, I'm quite happy where most things are for now.* (Android & iOS apps, and web site)
Therefore, all energy is being invested in a rather massive R&D investigation, which has been ongoing for a sometime now. (See earlier videos posted regarding variant support, for example).
Hopefully all the good stuff to come out of this being rolled back in to RHP in time for our 20th birthday! (i.e, in time for Feb 2021).
*If there is anything you REALLY want added/fixed in the near term, please let me know.
A relatively minor request.
On game list, can you reinstate the status "Opponent's decision" when the opponent has been offered a draw.
Flip side of "Your decision" when an opponent has offered you a draw.
We used to have this.
Much easier to see games where I have offered a draw instead of having to open up the "info" link at the game level.