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Disable Reminders

Disable Reminders

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I don't want to recieve e-mail reminders at all. We should be able to deny opponents the ability to send them.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
I don't want to recieve e-mail reminders at all. We should be able to deny opponents the ability to send them.
Well they are here for the case when you did not move and where not reachable... so disabeling them is totally against their intension 😉
Improve them, but don't disable them!

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
I don't want to recieve e-mail reminders at all. We should be able to deny opponents the ability to send them.
I would also like to have the option to disable them. 🙂

~ Cheshire Cat 😀

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Originally posted by thire
Well they are here for the case when you did not move and where not reachable... so disabeling them is totally against their intension 😉
Improve them, but don't disable them!
Their intention is to remind, not to harass. I get spammed with massive numbers of these things when I am perfectly aware that I have games that need playing and I am within my time control. At the very least, let us disable them until our timebank has run out.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Their intention is to remind, not to harass. I get spammed with massive numbers of these things when I am perfectly aware that I have games that need playing and I am within my time control. At the very least, let us disable them until our timebank has run out.
How about just setting up a nifty filter to delete them on the server based on a common subject?

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
I don't want to recieve e-mail reminders at all. We should be able to deny opponents the ability to send them.
Then go to MY SETTINGS, SITE SETTINGS and uncheck the box that enables them!

My problem is that I want them and they aren't working anymore.

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there is NO way 2 do that... i wished i hate being spamed with those reminders ughh

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The reminder option should not appear until you are 24hrs from game-over time. Then if you get one, there's a good reason for it. Presently, the reminder option appears long before it is warrented. To boot, I'sd have only one reminder a game too: blow it twice and its time to say goodnight.

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I think they shouldn't show up until the timebank is being utilized.

I also agree that people should be able to disable the receipt of messages. It does nothing but hurt if you disable them.

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Originally posted by Pie1120
I think they shouldn't show up until the timebank is being utilized.

I also agree that people should be able to disable the receipt of messages. It does nothing but hurt if you disable them.
yes they should only appear when the timebank is being used,

i personally think reminders are necessary, but i can also see how annoying they could be if somebody has alot of games on and are constantly beening spammed

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