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Disable smileys in your post

Disable smileys in your post

Site Ideas

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Some addressed we try to share show up with smileys. Then no one can paste it up simply, they have to go into quote to get a "clean" copy. If we could disable smileys this would be a nice improvment.

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Originally posted by Ice Cold
Some addressed we try to share show up with smileys. Then no one can paste it up simply, they have to go into quote to get a "clean" copy. If we could disable smileys this would be a nice improvment.
If I only it was as simple as going into quote to get a readable version of your post.

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Originally posted by Freddie2006
If I only it was as simple as going into quote to get a readable version of your post.
LOL True 🙂 I meant addresses 😞

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Originally posted by Ice Cold
LOL True 🙂 I meant addresses 😞
What if you get a message from Widget? The message would become unreadable, and make no sense at all.


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
What if you get a message from Widget? The message would become unreadable, and make no sense at all.

So there would be no change? I don't get your point. 😕

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That's when tinyurl is handy. http://tinyurl.com/

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Originally posted by pawnhandler
That's when tinyurl is handy. http://tinyurl.com/
I distrust midgets that can't spell their name. 😉
Just kidding man, great idea. Thanks 🙂

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