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Disable sound in site adverts.

Disable sound in site adverts.

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I only lost my subscription today, but already i'm on the verge of leaving the site due to that AWEFUL smiley face advert. Every time i accidentally mouse over it, it screams "HELLO" in the most irritating way. By all means have adverts, site needs revenue, yada yada, but why sound? It's highly irritating and unnecessary! I will never visit their site anyway, the addition of this awful sound only compounds my resolve in this regard!

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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
I only lost my subscription today, but already i'm on the verge of leaving the site due to that AWEFUL smiley face advert. Every time i accidentally mouse over it, it screams "HELLO" in the most irritating way. By all means have adverts, site needs revenue, yada yada, but why sound? It's highly irritating and unnecessary! I will never visit their site anyway, the addition of this awful sound only compounds my resolve in this regard!
Adverts should be targeted at subscribers - they are the ones who have been shown to have cash. πŸ˜‰

Or get firefox. πŸ™‚

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Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
Adverts should be targeted at subscribers - they are the ones who have been shown to have cash. πŸ˜‰

Or get firefox. πŸ™‚
I don't want to disable the ads, they generate revenue for the site. However, admin should try to make these ads unobtrusive, as people will definitely block them should they fail to do this...

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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
I don't want to disable the ads, they generate revenue for the site. However, admin should try to make these ads unobtrusive, as people will definitely block them should they fail to do this...
Ads usually only generate revenue if you click on it.

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Originally posted by Crowley
Ads usually only generate revenue if you click on it.
Maybe so, but double click still registers how many adverts are served from the site. If everyone blocked ads then no ads would be served from the site and advertisers would stop advertising here...or am i wrong?

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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
Maybe so, but double click still registers how many adverts are served from the site. If everyone blocked ads then no ads would be served from the site and advertisers would stop advertising here...or am i wrong?
I don't really know - none of the sites I've done use advertising.

I believe revenue is only generated by click-throughs of unique IP addresses.

I wouldn't keep ads around, no matter how much revenue it generated for the site. Most of them are annoying and they never have anything I would buy, so Ad-Block, No-script and RIP are my best friends.

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Thanks god I'm a subscriber. I don't have to see them at all.


Originally posted by Crowley
I don't really know - none of the sites I've done use advertising.

I believe revenue is only generated by click-throughs of unique IP addresses.

I wouldn't keep ads around, no matter how much revenue it generated for the site. Most of them are annoying and they never have anything I would buy, so Ad-Block, No-script and RIP are my best friends.
I believe that sites are graded according to how many hits they receive, the more hits you're site is getting the more revenue you can receive. There is no way Sky.com gets the same money as Willy Jones blog! Obviously you'd expect them to be targeted towards the users of this site (something chess related would make sense), however they appear to be just random Cr@p that no one would ever consider clicking.

I honestly believe i've never actually clicked an ad before, where the money comes from to pay for this smiley ad, i have no idea, but it seems to crop up all over the net. It's like that singing frog that everybody hated but the more mentally challenged sections of the population paid through the nose to get the *$^%ing ring tone on their mobile!! Why? Do you enjoy the looks of tired repulsion and scorn poured in you're direction every time your phone rings on the train or are you just so mentally incapable of realising some doosh is making a fortune out of you're witless inability to appreciate that even children of 7 or 8 cringe at the mere thought of hearing your phone and would dearly love to insert it promptly where it belongs! I despair for the future of humanity when millions of pounds are spent advertising something that ads up to...nothing at all (hell i could knock up a smiley like that in about 20 minutes and i'm no Computer artist) only for brainless plebs who probably feed their children Tesco value beans three times a day see fit to waste the rest of their dole money on a picture of a frog that makes everyone in the civilised World hate their very existence! I can happily ignore this...Normally, but unfortunately the forces of plebary have seen fit to advertise on the ONE site that i actually visit regularly!! GET RID!!! 😠😠😠😠

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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
I honestly believe i've never actually clicked an ad before, where the money comes from to pay for this smiley ad, i have no idea, but it seems to crop up all over the net. It's like that singing frog that everybody hated but the more mentally challenged sections of the population paid through the nose to get the *$^%ing ring tone on their mobile!! Why? ...[text shortened]... ary have seen fit to advertise on the ONE site that i actually visit regularly!! GET RID!!!
One day... I will buy you a beer...

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Originally posted by Meadows
One day... I will buy you a beer...
I think i need something stronger πŸ˜›

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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
I think i need something stronger πŸ˜›
So be it πŸ™‚

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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
I believe that sites are graded according to how many hits they receive, the more hits you're site is getting the more revenue you can receive. There is no way Sky.com gets the same money as Willy Jones blog! Obviously you'd expect them to be targeted towards the users of this site (something chess related would make sense), however they appear to be jus ...[text shortened]... en fit to advertise on the ONE site that i actually visit regularly!! GET RID!!! 😠😠😠😠
Due to the corporate branding, you'll probably find that sites like Sky.com only advertise their own products.

Anyhoo, larger sites with good volumes of traffic tend to keep away from the pay-per-click ads you'd find on Willy Jones blog. Instead, they go for hosted adverts - basically advertisers will rent ad space on the large sites. It's a lot easier and more profitable to run.

There are a few content orientated pay-per-click ads on this site. The ones I've seen recently are from Google Adwords.

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Originally posted by Daemon Sin
Due to the corporate branding, you'll probably find that sites like Sky.com only advertise their own products.

Anyhoo, larger sites with good volumes of traffic tend to keep away from the pay-per-click ads you'd find on Willy Jones blog. Instead, they go for hosted adverts - basically advertisers will rent ad space on the large sites. It's a lot easier ...[text shortened]... entated pay-per-click ads on this site. The ones I've seen recently are from Google Adwords.
I don't even look at them tbh, it's the smiley one that get's me. The rest are fine. NOT SMILING!

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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
I don't even look at them tbh, it's the smiley one that get's me. The rest are fine. NOT SMILING!
Ooh did you just rub your mouse on me?



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Originally posted by cadwah
Ooh did you just rub your mouse on me?


*Loads shot gun* πŸ˜›

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