it would be nice when after i'm over my hangover to go back and change the moves i made the night before. ok, if they moved against my drunken move then maybe i can pm them and ask to take it back -- it's up to them. but if they haven't move then i should be allowed to take back with no problem. i'm pretty sure this is a very good idea.
Originally posted by Traveling AgainSometimes when I recieve a move, I make a note about it, go to my chessboard and set up the position. Then I have a good long think about it, sometimes several days, perhaps more than a week.
it would be nice when after i'm over my hangover to go back and change the moves i made the night before. ok, if they moved against my drunken move then maybe i can pm them and ask to take it back -- it's up to them. but if they haven't move then i should be allowed to take back with no problem. i'm pretty sure this is a very good idea.
If I came up with a good move, I go to the computer and log on, how would you feel if the move I saw you did isn't the move I see now? That my effort to find a good replay to your move was totally wasted?
You have already a chance to take back the move. In fact you can take backthe move as many times as you want. However, when you confirm your move by clicking on the 'Submit' buttom, then the move is final.
When you are planning to be drunk. Ask yourmother, your sister, your wife or your daughter to hide the mouse and your keyboard so you cannot find it in a drunken state, and in this way hinder you to play while drunk.
Advice: Never play while you are drunk - or you will suffer the consequences.
Originally posted by Traveling AgainWhat the hell are you doing here when you are drunk?
it would be nice when after i'm over my hangover to go back and change the moves i made the night before. ok, if they moved against my drunken move then maybe i can pm them and ask to take it back -- it's up to them. but if they haven't move then i should be allowed to take back with no problem. i'm pretty sure this is a very good idea.
You should rather spend the time getting more interesting friends to hang out with...