When FENs are added in order to display a board position, I think there are some features that would be very helpful:
1) An option to specify the board's orientation (white at bottom or black at bottom.
2) An option to allow copying the FEN (maybe you could display the FEN text along with the position).
Originally posted by zucchiniThis might be a problem because FEN notation is universal. If you add new terms, it become a unique siglum style for this site.
1) An option to specify the board's orientation (white at bottom or black at bottom).
As Russ has it now, I can paste FENs into computer programs and web sites. Adding a new term would destroy compatibility.
Originally posted by RolandYoungGot it. I guess I didn't know enough about webpage design to have commented 😲
It's not necessary to extend the FEN notation to provide the feature Zucchini is asking for. It could be part of the tag: something like [fen]6r1/2R5/kp6/3bBpNP/p2P1P2/2P5/1P4P1/6K1 b - - 0 39[/fen] for white's view of the board
and [fen inverted]6r1/2R5/kp6/3bBpNP/p2P1P2/2P5/1P4P1/6K1 b - - 0 39[/fen] for Black's.
Sounds like a good idea then 🙂