No, of course not. But it has a lot of filtering options. It can give me all information I want.
But, furthermore, I have made a Excel sheet where I keep track of all my games. So I can easily see which tournaments I'm in, playing with whom, and current information of each game as I seem fit. Information that is more advanced that you want to filter.
So, what Russ gives us is good enogh for me, I use the current filters, beyond that I keep track of myself. I happen to think that there are more interesting things in Russ' to-do list, like making conditional moves public, update the game explorer, and further things making RHP even more better than it is.
Don't take this wrong. It's always good to tell Russ what we want. In this case, I think the filtering options are more advanced than many of us members know. More options would be great, I rec that.