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Folders and Electronic PGN

Folders and Electronic PGN

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I have created two additional folders (win - lose) I don’t appear to be able to move games directly in to these folder nor can I transfer games in my archive folder to these folders.

1. Can Russ set a function that will allow the movement of completed games between folders?

2. Can Russ add a feature that allows players to convert completed game or a group of completed games into an electronic PGN format? (Ideally a player should be able to select games for conversion from particular folders).


RH πŸ™‚

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Originally posted by Red House

I have created two additional folders (win - lose) I don’t appear to be able to move games directly in to these folder nor can I transfer games in my archive folder to these folders.

1. Can Russ set a function that will allow the movement of completed games between folders?

2. Can Russ add a feature that allows players to convert completed g ...[text shortened]... layer should be able to select games for conversion from particular folders).


RH πŸ™‚
You can move completed games between folders. The process is the same as moving in progress games.

1. Select Manage Games.
2. Tick the box next to games to be moved.
3. Select Put in Folder and in the drop down box select folder to be moved to (this is the one people get wrong, clicking on the folder name will not send them there).

As for getting PGNs, you can get the pgn from any game (in progress or not, yours or not) from the games page (Game History -> Get FEN/PGN) and you can get a bunch of games (finished or unfinished) sent to an email address if that is what you prefer.

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Originally posted by XanthosNZ
You can move completed games between folders. The process is the same as moving in progress games.

1. Select Manage Games.
2. Tick the box next to games to be moved.
3. Select Put in Folder and in the drop down box select folder to be moved to (this is the one people get wrong, clicking on the folder name will not send them there).

As for getting P ...[text shortened]... t a bunch of games (finished or unfinished) sent to an email address if that is what you prefer.

Thanks for the advice regarding the management of my games.

I know I can get a copy of a pgn from the games history what I would like to do is get pgn's of all my losses so I can analysis them. It would be really uses full if we had a feature that allowed players to select multiple games for conversion to pgn..

For example all my losses are being moved in to my lose folder what I would like to be able to do is select these games and create electronic pgn that are emailed

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