This may have been brought up before, but perhaps RHP could set up team matches of 25/50/100 boards against other organizations such as the United States Chess Federation, ICCF/UK, ICCF/Norway, etc.
Games could be played via e mail, or on the RHP site with special tournament only entry fees for non RHP members. RHP might gain a few members this way as well!
Originally posted by bill718I don't see it happening, since many correspondence chess federations admit to not doing anything about chess engines, or even allow their use.
This may have been brought up before, but perhaps RHP could set up team matches of 25/50/100 boards against other organizations such as the United States Chess Federation, ICCF/UK, ICCF/Norway, etc.
Games could be played via e mail, or on the RHP site with special tournament only entry fees for non RHP members. RHP might gain a few members this way as well!