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Site Ideas

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This is one site where I would like to play with my friends in different geographical locations. It will be immensely satisfying to play with old friends and will also help increase the customer base for this site. I think it is a must.

Sorry, if it already exists. I could not find it and hence creating a new thread.


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Originally posted by diabloReigns
This is one site where I would like to play with my friends in different geographical locations. It will be immensely satisfying to play with old friends and will also help increase the customer base for this site. I think it is a must.

Sorry, if it already exists. I could not find it and hence creating a new thread.

Go to "New Game" and give an email to your friend in the "Opponent" field.
Is this what you wanted?

I haven't tried it for myself so from there I don't know how it works...

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Originally posted by diabloReigns
This is one site where I would like to play with my friends in different geographical locations. It will be immensely satisfying to play with old friends and will also help increase the customer base for this site. I think it is a must.

Sorry, if it already exists. I could not find it and hence creating a new thread.

Edit: Nevermind, too slow!

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I think when you join the site it asks you to send an invitation to your friends.

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