Originally posted by RambuOn my Android phone, the board always fills the width of the screen. This is as large as it can possibly be while remaining square. Is it different on your device?
Would be nice if we could change the size of the board on a mobile device, as you can imagine your fingers are hitting every piece except the chosen one
The board size is a "max" preference now, so the board will not scale beyond the currently selected choice. (This is changed from the previous version, where you set the actual board size.)
This is a site setting - so not ideal if you access from different devices where you may want different maximum sizes.
This setting will become a per-device setting, with finer control over the sizes in the very near future. (We will probably add a slider control to set this) Otherwise, the maximum possible board size will continue to be used.
Most of us full-size users also play on smaller devices. We lose a few things from our big screen facilities but we also gain better use from our smaller devices. Personally, I grumble because everyone grumbles when things change, but overall I think I'm winning. Life is much more pleasant if one can adapt to new things - I remember saying that I'd never use a microwave ...