Russ .....
I recently reported a bug in the clan feature where games are being doubled up when the challenge is set.
eg - a 5 player challenge creates 20 games instead of 10.
Please refer to the thread "this has confused me" in the clan forum.
2 other instances reported in that one thread.
Plus some speculation to root cause, including from me.
Just as information.....
Have a look at challenge 313054
Clan challenge 313054
Player "they" and I have bounced this challenge back and forth in RHP beta.
My last bounce accepted the matchup, i.e. I did not change the matchup, but I added a comment in the message field.
The challenge is still in "preview" status.
After this, neither of us has touched the challenge.
We are both seeing a "start" button.
For you to have a look at.
We are not touching this challenge until we receive further instructions from you.
Thanks, Mike...