I see that for big tournaments, where all the groups can't be shown in the same page, that Russ added a "my group" button and highlighted the group that you play in. For instance, in the 2008 Championship.
As a further quick enhancement, could it be made so that whenever you look at such a tournament you go straight to your own group? I don't know about you, but nearly every time I look at the 2008 Champs I'm looking to see how my own group is getting on.
This idea would save time, as well as reducing the amount of pages that we go to, which is surely in the interests of all. Given how quick Russ came up with the original enhancement, I would have thought this change could be made relatively quickly.
Thanks for listening.
Originally posted by John of ReadingYes! That's what I want.
...and when you are looking at a tournament game involving two other players, a click on the tournament name on that page should show the group which contains that game.
I'm not a participant of the latest champ, but I want to know where a friend is playing. I don't have a "my group" button. I would like a search button, or a feature as the one John of Reading describes.