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How banning cheaters saves Russ money. . .

How banning cheaters saves Russ money. . .

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Ok, there's a lot of talk about Russ losing money, using a lot of bandwith, and how if all the cheaters would be kicked out his profits would dwindle to nothing, but do we have the whole, long-term, picture here? By banning cheaters, there will be less players, so less bandwith will be used, this will save Russ money. A lot of cheaters also never trully log onto the site, instead they run proggies in the background to do all the moves for them. These proggies would definately chew a disproportionate amount of bandwith. Any user found using these should be banned immediately, not only for blatant cheating, but for cloging up the site with useless traffic. Also, banning cheaters gives the site a lot of respect, because to be honest, most chess sites do not care about cheating, this will make us stand out and hopefully we can get new legitament members, who don't cheat, to replace the ones who do cheat and likely clog up bandwith running proggies within the site.

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I've just become a member about 2 months ago. I have been reading up on the past posts, prior to any entry about cheating.
I don't understand the point of cheating on a site that is geared up for multiple play, and no money involved! Maybe pride, but from who. . . a screenname? I like the fact that you can play people of different talent, because that makes YOU better. Relying on a machine will never help you as a player, and is just waisting your time. . . and money. Sorry just plain don't understand. To all Cheaters. . . "WHY?"

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There is an oppertunity to get more publicity and thus more members here...

'Popular International Chess Site takes stand against cheats!'

Get the public relations boys on this one.... I can see it now...

'RHP the world leading internet chess site is taking the bold step of routing out and banning cheats, those players who use artificial aids when playing Chess, Russ X the sites designer was quoted as saying 'Cheating spoils the whole playing experience for all our 75000 members and the community has decided it must end. We will be a light of pure sportsmanship in a tainted world, no-one will be able to use any banned substance/utility on our site and get away with it!' Bobby Fisher renowned fugative chess player speaking from a secret location was heard to comment......

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Originally posted by mateulose
Ok, there's a lot of talk about Russ losing money, using a lot of bandwith, and how if all the cheaters would be kicked out his profits would dwindle to nothing, but do we have the whole, long-term, picture here? By banning cheaters, there will be less players, so less bandwith will be used, this will save Russ money. A lot of cheaters also never trully l ...[text shortened]... , to replace the ones who do cheat and likely clog up bandwith running proggies within the site.
There is another, more obvious way that banning cheaters
saves Russ money:

He keeps his legitimate paying customers happy. I know that
I am far, far more likely to continue to pay for this site knowing
that things are being done to prevent me from playing a cheater.


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