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Id for the counter in the top Menu Bar?

Id for the counter in the top Menu Bar?

Site Ideas


25 Jun 10
11 Sep 10
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I'm the developper of Chess@Work Notifier for Google Chrome : https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/iiabccpfhiodndpodglhhhegjbdgdfal

I'm making some modifications, so when browsing the site, it parses html to update my counter of gamesWaitingMove. The aim of this modification is to do much less XMLHttpRequests.

I parse the html to use the counter "n games waiting" in the top menuBar (top right of the page; class="loggedInInfo" )
It would be more simple if this counter had an id.
Unlike getElementById, getElementsByClass is not native javascript. So it requires to create an object to use this counter. Furthermore, class="loggedInInfo" is not unique.

Could you add an id, ex : id="gamesWaiting"; so it will be easier to use it?
Thanks by advance.

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