How about we get Russ and crew to take the info from that box, located to the right on our games, and put it on our game status page? There is plenty of room on the right, just wasted space. I opt for the following: game i.d. #, game created date, move time out & timebank plus the bar graph for timebank days remaining. Rated. maybe? We don't need, my color, game state, or that little chess board. I, for one, would like to have this available to me on my game status page, instead of having to click on that little box. Does anybody like the idea?
Originally posted by ouroborosYour script opened my eyes a bit. This, like several of your other Firefox/greasemonkey scripts, is quite helpful! Thank you!
If you have Firefox and the Greasemonkey extension, you can check out the user script:
which adds the timeout, timebank, and rated information to the MyGames page.