I've recently had a fair few chellenges; 1 day timeout, 0 days timebank. Looking at these players games I find they win a lot by claiming T/O. I wonder why? Is it because it a real pain to check the info on a game as it comes through your games waiting? Fortunately I do and so always delete these games.
So what to do? The most obvious solution is to provide a minimum timebank field in My challenge settings. Problem gone.
It seems so obvious that I searched the forums to promote whatever thread first mentioned the idea. And lo and behold, it was a post by me! Alas, it was amoungst a mixed issue thread, so for the curious the relevant part was:
27 Apr '04 14:26
This is exactly the type of thing the timebank is for: all that is needed is a minimum timebank setting in your challenge settings. Russ has said he'll look into the challenge filters next time he's working on the RHP code, so fingers crossed.
Those fingers are still crossed Russ...
Originally posted by Toeagreed. I like that too!
I've recently had a fair few chellenges; 1 day timeout, 0 days timebank. Looking at these players games I find they win a lot by claiming T/O. I wonder why? Is it because it a real pain to check the info on a game as it comes through your games waiting? Fortunately I do and so always delete these games.
So what to do? The most obvious solution is to provide ...[text shortened]... me he's working on the RHP code, so fingers crossed.
Those fingers are still crossed Russ...
Originally posted by Toei remember suggesting it too ... but cannot remember when ... or if i did more than suggest it to my cat ... oh i don't have a cat ....
I've recently had a fair few chellenges; 1 day timeout, 0 days timebank. Looking at these players games I find they win a lot by claiming T/O. I wonder why? Is it because it a real pain to check the info on a game as it comes through your games waiting? Fortunately I do and so always delete these games.
So what to do? The most obvious solution is to provide ...[text shortened]... me he's working on the RHP code, so fingers crossed.
Those fingers are still crossed Russ...
Originally posted by ToeGood idea - although I rarely accept open invites and play mainly clan and tournaments.
I've recently had a fair few chellenges; 1 day timeout, 0 days timebank. Looking at these players games I find they win a lot by claiming T/O. I wonder why? Is it because it a real pain to check the info on a game as it comes through your games waiting? Fortunately I do and so always delete these games.
So what to do? The most obvious solution is to provide ...[text shortened]... me he's working on the RHP code, so fingers crossed.
Those fingers are still crossed Russ...
In the past, I also took games 1dm/0dtb and then had to sit on this site all day (actually, now that I think about it, is that a problem? 😀 )