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New Members Posting in Forums

Site Ideas


Can we consider a plan to stop people who join RHP just
to spam or to continue their fury under another account

How about, you cannot post in any forum whilst you are still a provisional player.

At least then they will have to play at least 20 games before treating us to
thier scams, views and opinions.

That will stop the one day spammers and give the returning ex-members
time to calm down.

Just and idea, and I know it's been put forward before but not with this
thumbs up/thumbs down option.


With a proviso that newbies can still access the Help forum, I agree.


They can read the forums, send their limited PM's but not post.


Originally posted by greenpawn34
Can we consider a plan to stop people who join RHP just
to spam or to continue their fury under another account

How about, you cannot post in any forum whilst you are still a provisional player.

At least then they will have to play at least 20 games before treating us to
thier scams, views and opinions.

That will stop the one day spammers and ...[text shortened]... idea, and I know it's been put forward before but not with this
thumbs up/thumbs down option.
You're alienating the potential new subscribers who genuinely want to ask a question about the site or about chess in general. It takes some people a lot of time to complete 20 games, why punish the majority because of the minority?

They're trying to make the site as user friendly as possible to new players, this is a bad idea.


Originally posted by greenpawn34
Can we consider a plan to stop people who join RHP just
to spam or to continue their fury under another account

How about, you cannot post in any forum whilst you are still a provisional player.

At least then they will have to play at least 20 games before treating us to
thier scams, views and opinions.

That will stop the one day spammers and ...[text shortened]... idea, and I know it's been put forward before but not with this
thumbs up/thumbs down option.
I've never seen an idea like this before!~

No, wait... seen it a hundred times.

Can you guess the outcome?


Originally posted by greenpawn34
Can we consider a plan to stop people who join RHP just
to spam or to continue their fury under another account

How about, you cannot post in any forum whilst you are still a provisional player.

At least then they will have to play at least 20 games before treating us to
thier scams, views and opinions.

That will stop the one day spammers and ...[text shortened]... idea, and I know it's been put forward before but not with this
thumbs up/thumbs down option.
The dopey buggers just set up two accounts, play their 20 games, three moves each and then resign and hey presto they are now "validated".

Would take under 10 minutes to do that.

As such a pointless exercise, as it is easily circumvented.


There's a better solution if it's considered a problem. Put a finite time frame on it - lets say posting privileges to "Help" immediate, after 30 days "Chess" and after 60 days "General". After 90 days, and no fora nonsense then full posting rights.

Just a suggestion but thought it had some merit....?



Hi Trev.

The reason that people may want to join RHP to ask
a question about chess about is a bit ropey.

How many members on here joined RHP because they had a question about chess?

If I wanted to find out the captial of Angola (Luanda) I don't join some Geography Site.

You could very easily Google any chess question and get an answer.

Most of the chess questions I've seen are from lads who have been here ages...
'How do I take E.P.' 'The system is broken' (the lad is in stalemate etc..etc..)

You say: "why punish the majority because of the minority?"

The vast majority of players on here never post in any forum.
So the majority are not being punished.

This suggestion is not aimed at those who want to play chess,
it's to stop the site looking more user unfriendly.

Hi adramforall

I know there are few way around it but if the lad is willing to go to
the trouble of creating 20 three moves games using two accounts
then it might be worthwhile hearing what he has to say. 🙂

(If he is a prodigal son returning to gnash his teeth then someone will spot
these 20 games....double account holder.....banned.....)

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Can we consider a plan to stop people who join RHP just
to spam or to continue their fury under another account

How about, you cannot post in any forum whilst you are still a provisional player.

At least then they will have to play at least 20 games before treating us to
thier scams, views and opinions.

That will stop the one day spammers and ...[text shortened]... idea, and I know it's been put forward before but not with this
thumbs up/thumbs down option.
Nice idea in principal but resigning 20 games doesn't take very long and it would mess with the rating system...


Originally posted by greenpawn34
Can we consider a plan to stop people who join RHP just
to spam or to continue their fury under another account

How about, you cannot post in any forum whilst you are still a provisional player.

At least then they will have to play at least 20 games before treating us to
thier scams, views and opinions.

That will stop the one day spammers and ...[text shortened]... idea, and I know it's been put forward before but not with this
thumbs up/thumbs down option.
It is easier if you and the "player", went to live in North Korea or started your own forum rather than making a ludicrous suggestion after the furore you have caused. Some people are obviously not content with complying with section 6 of http://www.redhotpawn.com/myhome/termsofservice.php and want to warp the rules to fit their own twisted view of what is right and wrong.


Enter Exhibit A.

Forget what I said about a returnee and calming down.
It appears that weight of the chip on the shoulder needs more
than 20 games before it can be shrugged off.

I withdraw my site idea and am off to North Korea.

Good Riddance to me.

1 edit

There are people on this site who feel it's their bounden duty to sneer at every other poster on the site. And there are people on this site who are an asset to the forums.

Greenpawn, I'd definitely put you in the second category. You're always worth reading. Please don't leave.

{back to topic} If they pay up, they should be unrestricted in the forums other than by the TOS and the community norms. Newly arriving nonsubs who come here just to spam get "moderated" off the site as soon as someone alerts the mods. I don't think there's any way of blocking the ones you describe which wouldn't also block legitimate posters, unfortunately.


North Korea is very chilly at this time of year.
Net connections a bit dodgy but they like the name RED hot Pawn.

Have a job already.
They have given me a pair of binoculars, I have to patrol the
Demarcation Zone looking for signs of American democracy.

It does not pay much but it is a job for life!

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
They have given me a pair of binoculars, I have to patrol the
Demarcation Zone looking for signs of American democracy.

It does not pay much
No wonder 😛


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Originally posted by greenpawn34
North Korea is very chilly at this time of year.
Net connections a bit dodgy but they like the name [b]RED
hot Pawn.

Have a job already.
They have given me a pair of binoculars, I have to patrol the
Demarcation Zone looking for signs of American democracy.

It does not pay much but it is a job for life![/b]
...and it will prepare you for looking for signs of democracy when you get back.

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