My eyesight being what it is, I go for plain light-coloured backgrounds and darkish text, with no frills such as watermarks if I can. At the resolution I use 1024x768 I can't get the whole screen at once, but any higher resolution is completely unreadable. I even have to use the magnifier occasionally as this site wasn't designed for wrinklies 🙁
Originally posted by MissOleumOh ok.
My eyesight being what it is, I go for plain light-coloured backgrounds and darkish text, with no frills such as watermarks if I can. At the resolution I use 1024x768 I can't get the whole screen at once, but any higher resolution is completely unreadable. I even have to use the magnifier occasionally as this site wasn't designed for wrinklies 🙁
We have a Maine Coon, Ellie, who is now 9 months old & as big as our 2 other adult cats:
i want a black screen with orange letters and a chessboard that has red and blue boxes around last moves..oh !...been at that site...could we imitate that site with a skin like that but may i suggest a yarrowish mustard yellow for the easy to look at...and the forum page could stay timefor chess tan...what a trip..i might even re=subsribe in february if that was done