Hiya. I might be missing something here (if so please explain) but the notebook function only appears to be available to make notes before you submit a move and then you can save the notebook changes afterwards. Could it be modified to enable you to make changes to a notebook at any point in a game.
Quite often I've got specific moves ahead planned, or a general strategy to aim for, but forget to note my thoughts until after I've made the move in question. Then it's another few days and several games until my next move and I've possibly lost my original dynamite plan of action.
If this option is available and I'm just being stupid, please point me in the right direction
It's already available.
My Games -> Game in Question -> Notebook -> Add Comments to Notebook -> Click Save Notebook Changes
EDIT: It seems all that weed you've been smoking has affected your memory Chronicman.
Check out:
or Thread 46317 Page 52
Nordlys solved your problem which wasn't the same as the poster in this thread.