I would like to be informed, when a tournament, which I have entered, is over.
A short pm with the winner and a link to the tournament would be quite fine.
Even if I lost in round 1, it would be quite nice to see, who has won.
And especially for the winner it would be much more delectable not only to see the winning, but to know ALL entrants know about it ;-)
( I have never won a tournament, but i will try on )
I think, I have made this recommendation some months ago, but I am not quite sure about that,
Hi afx.
I have booked marked the tounraments you are in.
When they are finished I will PM you the winner.
OK Russ, relax, I've taken care of that one.
Can you please fix the PGN moving thing so Black can go first.
It's been 9 months since you told everyone on here it would be fixed.
An update on the games explorer would be nice too.
Originally posted by greenpawn34lol
Hi afx.
I have booked marked the tounraments you are in.
When they are finished I will PM you the winner.
OK Russ, relax, I've taken care of that one.
Can you please fix the PGN moving thing so Black can go first.
It's been 9 months since you told everyone on here it would be fixed.
An update on the games explorer would be nice too.