Originally posted by RevRSleekerHi Dean, its just positions that are tricky to get a handle on, i dont like the computer screen for analysis it hurts my eyes, i prefer a board, so i just print the position off and analyze that way on my wee wooden board, but of late, the diagrams have been printing like huge, so huge that on an a4 piece of paper, the h file is only half visible 🙁
PRINTING off your games, you're a bit keen aren't you 😉
Originally posted by robbie carrobie🙂 Funnily enough I have a few friends that have similar issues..a chap in my clan plays ALL his games from actual and proper sized boards, sets the pieces up and makes all considerations from that point onward. Apart from screen strain on eyes it's a dimensional issue and he has to view the games as is the norm. I always say it's somewhat fortunate that he keeps his gameload down to an absolute minumum.. given the added time involved for say my gameload of 30, it'd be a nightmare lol. Far more than a few use mini boards also, for varied but similar reasons... printing games off was somewhat new to me however 🙂 Dean.
Hi Dean, its just positions that are tricky to get a handle on, i dont like the computer screen for analysis it hurts my eyes, i prefer a board, so i just print the position off and analyze that way on my wee wooden board, but of late, the diagrams have been printing like huge, so huge that on an a4 piece of paper, the h file is only half visible 🙁
Of course this lad who plays only on the board is doing it
properly. It's so easy to sit and mouse click through a dozen or
more games in a few minutes.
This is why some of most incredible blunders ever seen on the board
happen on this very site.
Players who would struggle OTB v a decent 1600 player are playing
loads of 1600 players at once at 10 seconds a move!
If this lad is just making legal moves and avoiding one and two move
blunders he will be a good team player.
I write my moves down in a book and then I'd say 70% of the time play
by screen. If it demands it or I smell something tasty then off
to the board.
The times I have just made a move without pausing (blitzing) has resulted
in a few silly blunders.
Swap off all the Q-side pawns ASAP then you will only have to print
half of the chess board. Sorted.
I must say that on more than one occasion he's spent hours on a particular 'solution' only to find out, upon return here, that he'd set the position up incorrectly..sorry about mentioning that Ray 🙁 The last time I utilised a mini board here it certainly paid dividends but since I've given in to an LCD screen I've found eye strain not an issue...wish I'd have gone the LCD route much earlier, they very much ease that issue, but hey.
I utilise the notebook feature v heavily, and back it up with email, I find 'useful' comments made during the previous visit immediately aids the game..I can still take an additional 10mins to be content however. Rarely never, no matter how appealing that initial board viewing is, will I move in less than 5min intervals, more usual is 10 through 30. Fast is fast but seconds to move here is madness, to me that'd be fatal...I've done so in a minute or so on so few occaisions I can count on one hand, I was ill, what more can I say 😉 N night..
Originally posted by robbie carrobieTried printing a few of my games and they all fit on my A4 page. Dead centre alignment and used the top half of the page (I wonder if we could print two on a page?)
after printing a few positions i find that the diagrams are now massive, i was simply wondering if this is a site setting or a local printer setting, anyone else experience similar problems?
Check your local printer. Most likely someone's messing with the settings.
After you hit Print have a look under properties. Check that your paper selected is A4 and that your Resizing option is set to Actual size.
Hope this helps