sieges are stagnating ... low rated players lose interest because they stand no chance of taking, nor holding a castle.
high rated players lose interest because they face an endless assault from players rated 1000 points lower than them.
many people like to play against similarly rated opponents.
the owner of a siege castle could be rewarded with similarly rated opponents ...
there are 6 colours of boards: Red Green Blue Yellow Purple Orange
i suggest different rules based on the colour of the board:
RED BOARD... for lower rated players ... the challenger will be the highest rated player with a rating lower than the siege owner. such a board would end up being owned by lower rated players permanently. it is important that the nearest rated player has first chance ... otherwise a temporarily low rated player could kidnap the board for ever, this way the kidnapper's peers will steal the board back and eventually return it to the rightful owners: the lower rated players.
GREEN and BLUE and YELLOW and PURPLE BOARDS ... the queue is exactly as it is now: longest waiting player at the top .... high rated and low rated players get to play against each other.
ORANGE BOARD ... the challenger is the highest rated player in the queue ... a board only for the elite players.
I don't think your method takes into account peoples rating changes during play, particularly on the longer boards. A good players gets in on a low rating, and the board is forever theres. Which is the same as the current problem though it would take longer to happen.
What we need to do is get the very good players off boards that lower rated players want to play on.
When you successfully hold your current board for three challenges, you are shifted to the next higher colour queue, and two new players from the vaccated board's queue start playing on that board.
And so on: thus the blue boards will end up being only the best players but anyone has a good chance of winning and holding a red for the max of three.
No max on the top board?
Perhaps very high-rated players could skip the lowest colour board too?
This sounds like a completely different thing now. Bah humbug.
Originally posted by Toemy thoughts were focussed on players with changing ratings.
I don't think your method takes into account peoples rating changes during play, particularly on the longer boards. A good players gets in on a low rating, and the board is forever theres. Which is the same as the current problem though it would take longer to happen.
What we need to do is get the very good players off boards that lower rated players want to ...[text shortened]... the lowest colour board too?
This sounds like a completely different thing now. Bah humbug.
if a 1900 player sneaks in and snatches the low rated board ... they will then face 1800 players til they lose or draw, the new player will face 1700 players til they lose or draw etc ... and the rating of the siege holder will drop back and back.
if a player successfully defends their board, then they must have won, and so gain in rating points ... their opponents will then be tougher and tougher til they meet their match.
Ah I see now. In which case, grand.
A tweak for red would be:
If there are players in queue with ratings <= to current owner, then select player with higest rating (or longest wait if duplicates)
If there are no players with a rating less than the current owner, select lowest rated player in the queue.
Or something like that.
A quick idea or two of my own
Have the entry levels for each of the boards capped (something like this)
Red - 1,000
Green - 1,200
Blue - 1,450
Yellow - 1,700
Purple - 2,000
Orange - Uncapped
You queue to enter the siege as a whole - not a specific level. When a board becomes free the first in the queue below the cap gets entered.
Obviously a player may increase his ranking throughout the course of the games. So the defender can be up to 100 points above the cutoff point (a challenge, but not impossible to lower ranked players), if more than this after winning a game, they immediately become #1 challenger for the next board up.
A little complicated, and probably flawed.
But I've just signed up for another game against meman. Need to think a bit more, but then it's probably the equivalent of Stone Dominoes playing down at Anfield.
Edit: And to the earlier ideas, there needs to be an element of the longer wait, the more likely a game. Under the closest challenger, some people could end up waiting an awful long time.
Originally posted by Peakitenice ideas ... 🙂
Red - 1,000
Green - 1,200
Blue - 1,450
Yellow - 1,700
Purple - 2,000
Orange - Uncapped
have you seen this distribution of rhp players?
RATING PLAYERS (One dot = 12.5 players.)
0600s 0006
0700s 0024..
0800s 0089........
0900s 0254....................
1000s 0611................................................
1100s 0984..............................................................................
1200s 1233....................................................................................................
1300s 1142............................................................................................
1400s 0769............................................................
1500s 0500........................................
1600s 0281........................
1700s 0140............
1800s 0079......
1900s 0041....
2000s 0015.
2100s 0023..
2200s 0013.
2300s 0001
2400s 0001
with your idea, i think the boards would be better as
Red - 0 to 1,200 (no p1200's)
Green - 1200 to 1,300
Blue - 1300 to 1,400
Yellow - 1400 to 1,600
Purple - 1600 to 1,900
Orange - 1900 and up
Good suggestion, I had seen that distribution when drawing up my numbers, although was influenced by the fact that I'd expect many players to move around quite a bit, so too close together and it might not work so well.
But your numbers would certainly reduce waits for the modal ranking groups.
We could always change the number of boards too, some more levels, perhaps reducing some of the more unusal timeout/timebank combinations if the number of boards is wanting to be kept down.
Originally posted by gumbiethis is my thought too ... best is some boards for lower rating, some for higher and some just all over the joint for all of us to play meman (i am playing meman in 2 at the moment ... thinking of taking a couple more)
I like being able to give meman 6 games whenever I want 😛
I see some good ideas though, maybe intoduce a max rating cap on a few of the of the boards but not all. And no min rating cap for my reason above. 🙂