Can we please be allowed to leave a reason inside "My Challenge Settings" saying why we are not letting people challenge if you are over x games? I want to stop challenges so I only have clan/tourny/games i accepted and no random invites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I only want to do this if I can leave a reason...
Originally posted by Santa DrummerYou could just write it in your profile.
Can we please be allowed to leave a reason inside "My Challenge Settings" saying why we are not letting people challenge if you are over x games? I want to stop challenges so I only have clan/tourny/games i accepted and no random invites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I only want to do this if I can leave a reason...
Why would you need a reason? I think everyone here has some sort of limit as to how many games they can handle and has a preference as to what kind of games they would like.
It only makes sense that they set restrictions on games that they will accept based on personal preferences.
I always assumed that people without preferences set, just hadn't found them yet. Like going to a resturant. Just because you haven't ordered doesn't mean you want everything.