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removing/closing threads

removing/closing threads

Site Ideas

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Sinnce there is always some joker resurrecting threads from the early times of RHP I suggest to automatically close threads after 60 days (or whatever) of inactivity.

However I don't think that mayn threads are searched much deeper than a year anyway, so one could also remove threads after one year of the last post, at least in the General Forum.

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Originally posted by Ponderable
Sinnce there is always some joker resurrecting threads from the early times of RHP I suggest to automatically close threads after 60 days (or whatever) of inactivity.

However I don't think that mayn threads are searched much deeper than a year anyway, so one could also remove threads after one year of the last post, at least in the General Forum.
Threads are a goldmine of good information (and some bad one). So don't ever delete anything of it. Leave them as they are.

By closing a thread doesn't change anything for the jokers. Thy just start a new thread, and make a reference to the old one, and continue from there. So by closing threads doesn't comply much.

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Specifically I was refering to Thread 233.

* The making of a new thread is not a problem in these circumstances.

* Threads are a mine of information,mI agree, but you does one get at those? In fact the search system uses the author and the date, which is not really such a good tool to find for example information about a specific opening, or some endgame problem...

* In fact the removal of threads was pointed at the general froum, wher there are mainly nonsense threads anyway. But you can find nonsense threads (and resurrected ones) also in Only chess and Tournament Forums.

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Well, actually, I can live with closed threads, I don't mind them to be closed.
As long they're readable, searchable, and referencable.

Perhaps 60 days is a too short period, though...

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Originally posted by Ponderable
Specifically I was refering to Thread 233.

This thread has since been reomved.

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