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resignation while not yor turn!!!!!!?

resignation while not yor turn!!!!!!?

Site Ideas

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This has ben raised a while ago.
a player SHOULD have the ability to resig while its not their turn.
having to wait for your opponent for 21 days, for example,
is not what chess is about.
real chess , one can resign at any point.

There is no valid argument for depriving an online player oif this simple right in chess................

Please consider and support this idea.

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Originally posted by Paulisfree2be
This has ben raised a while ago.
a player SHOULD have the ability to resig while its not their turn.
having to wait for your opponent for 21 days, for example,
is not what chess is about.
real chess , one can resign at any point.

There is no valid argument for depriving an online player oif this simple right in chess................

Please consider and support this idea.
Isn't this implemented in the board they are testing ATM?

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Originally posted by schakuhr
Isn't this implemented in the board they are testing ATM?
If it's not, it should be, I reckon.

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Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
If it's not, it should be, I reckon.
It is in the beta being tested at the moment - I've not tested that specific functionality but there is definitely an option there when it isn't your move.

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And it works in the betaversion.
(the only downside seems you cannot provide a message)

Just have a few weeks patience.

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