I found a web site once that was for a chess/strip club. People played chess while women danced around half-naked (maybe full?) and brought drinks,etc. Can't remember anything else about it though. I do recall thinking that it would be very difficult to concentrate on chess with all of that "action" going on around me.
I stumbled across it by accident of course.
Originally posted by wibMore like it would be difficult to concentrate on the dancers with all that chess going on!
I found a web site once that was for a chess/strip club. People played chess while women danced around half-naked (maybe full?) and brought drinks,etc. Can't remember anything else about it though. I do recall thinking that it would be very difficult to concentrate on chess with all of that "action" going on around me.
I stumbled across it by accident of course.
(Just in case my significant other reads this thread of course!)