Wouldn't it be hysterical if smileys were chosen randomly? I mean, not a smiling face instead of an angry face. But, several different options for the same "kind" of face.
So, for instance, when writing your post, you choose a positive face. Just that. And then when the post is displayed, it can smile, kiss, pout its lips or whatever. That could be most entertaining. 🙂
Also, I think there are too few expressions available. Sometimes, I'd like to show that I'm irritated but not down right angry. Where's the smiley? Sleeping? (I mean, not sleeping, but should I use the sleeping smiley?) (That is, the smiley that looks like it's... 'cause, obviously it can't...)
Oh well. Is it terribly hard to add smileys to the forums? Would anyone else like to see more smileys? Random ones?
I too would like to see a larger sellection of smilies.
I am a member of www.muscletalk.co.uk which has a massive selection of smilies when you post on the forum. You have to be a member to post so you wont nessesarily be able to see them (registration is free is you want to see). The smilies are site specific but you could impliment some to this site.
Great Idea! I would like to see a smily smoking a bong so everyone would know how I really feel about this issue. And my eyes could be bugging out all red like. And then a horse could gallop across the screen so I could say wow man far out. Then a cobra could suddenly appear and bite you in the face and make your smily's swell up and explode. Then it could all go away.🙄😲
Originally posted by rmackenThe smileys I saw weren't very site-specific. But, ok, you like the idea. More smileys! More smileys! More smileys? More... Smileys?.. Anyone else?
I too would like to see a larger sellection of smilies.
I am a member of www.muscletalk.co.uk which has a massive selection of smilies when you post on the forum. You have to be a member to post so you wont nessesarily be able to see them (registration is free is you want to see). The smilies are site specific but you could impliment some to this site.
Originally posted by stockenYes, more smilies would be nice. This has come up a few times, and several smilies have been suggested (for example a puking smiley, and I would like to have a smiley which is looking sideways 😉). Your idea of random smilies is new, though (as far as I know). I can see the fun in it, but I prefer to choose the smilies myself. I don't want to end up accidentally kissing someone. 😲 😉
The smileys I saw weren't very site-specific. But, ok, you like the idea. More smileys! More smileys! More smileys? More... Smileys?.. Anyone else?
Anyway, while I would like to see some more smilies, there are other things I deem a lot more important. For example, I would even give up some smilies to get rid of the unintended smilies you get with certain combinations of punctuation marks (for example " and ) ).
Originally posted by dottewellI guess you mean similes? Nice one. Many threads sound as if this were already implemented.
Why not insert random similies instead?
E.g. Ivanhoe posts on No1 accusing him of an ad hominem fallacy, and the computer randomly inserts:
"Your posts are as refreshing as a cool morning breeze."
Could be fun.
Originally posted by NordlysYes, that is annoying. A " followed by a ) renders "😉. I've ended up flirting with quite a few. I guess that's a very good reason not to have random smileys.
Yes, more smilies would be nice. This has come up a few times, and several smilies have been suggested (for example a puking smiley, and I would like to have a smiley which is looking sideways 😉). Your idea of random smilies is new, though (as far as I know). I can see the fun in it, but I prefer to choose the smilies myself. I don't want to end up accident ...[text shortened]... ntended smilies you get with certain combinations of punctuation marks (for example " and ) ).
I guess what I really would like is more nuances in smileys. The ability to express myself more through them.
Originally posted by Nordlys😵
Flirting?? I use it as an irony / "just kidding" alert, or just to express amusement. If you thought I were flirting with you, I have to disappoint you. 😉
No, I take it in context with the text written, so... Unless you say something like: "You big strong honky, you... 😉", I won't consider it flirting.
But, it is a flirting sign to blink an eye. Isn't it? Or is that a cultural thing? I use this smiley to show I'm kidding 😵. And when I'm laughing. And when I'm not laughing, but not really smiling either, but somewhere in between.
Well, it's settled then. We really need more smileys.