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Tested and Approved icon

Tested and Approved icon

Site Ideas

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This idea comes about after recent 'he's/she's cheating' allegations on the various forums. These most often occur to high rated players. My suggestion would be an icon next to the user to show that he/she has been tested and approved not to be cheating once the game mods have finished checking a suspected users games. Hopefully this will stop continued allegations.

Any thoughts?

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Originally posted by JDK2
This idea comes about after recent 'he's/she's cheating' allegations on the various forums. These most often occur to high rated players. My suggestion would be an icon next to the user to show that he/she has been tested and approved not to be cheating once the game mods have finished checking a suspected users games. Hopefully this will stop continued allegations.

Any thoughts?
You can't prove a negative. It cannot be proved beyond all doubt that a player is NOT using an engine.

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Thats true Xanthos, but thats the case for everything. It would be tested and approved to site test regulations. If it passes the site test then that should be enough.

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Originally posted by JDK2
Thats true Xanthos, but thats the case for everything. It would be tested and approved to site test regulations. If it passes the site test then that should be enough.
What if further evidence were to come to light? What if a player once recieving such an icon decided now was the time to cheat?

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Thats a very good question! One I have been thinking about.

In theory, to test someone you'd need at least 100 games as a good sample, so in theory they would have been on the site for a while.

I would recommend maybe a 2 year expiring 'tested and approved' icon, which can also be taken away immediately, and banned from the site should the game mods find proof that that player has in fact been cheating since he was given the icon. This is done via the normal send feedback process.

I know it may sometimes be the case, but players normally cheat from the beginning or close to the beginning of being on this site and continue until caught. Normally if you start of not cheating, you'll continue the same way. Its a mindset type thing.

The whole idea really is to get the 'xyz is cheating' threads off the forums. Maybe the other way maybe to just ban the thread creator?

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Originally posted by JDK2
This idea comes about after recent 'he's/she's cheating' allegations on the various forums. These most often occur to high rated players. My suggestion would be an icon next to the user to show that he/she has been tested and approved not to be cheating once the game mods have finished checking a suspected users games. Hopefully this will stop continued allegations.

Any thoughts?
This is a really bad idea. As Xanthos has pointed out, nobody who has been suspected of engine use can ever be totally cleared. The games mods gather evidence over a long period of time. A player who is investigated today and who doesn't seem to be cheating (the games mods can't be totally sure) might be re-investigated a few months (or possibly years) later and banned.

Also just because someone is an honest player now, it doesn't follow that they won't cheat in the future. Many cheats start off being honest but eventually give in to the temptation to switch on their engines.

I don't think it's either possible or desirable to put an end to cheating accusations. Some players seem too good to be true and there will always be a black cloud of suspicion hanging over them. But as long as nobody accuses them in the forums, there shouldn't be a problem. If someone is winning nearly all their games and has a massive rating, it would be strange if they were not suspected. IMO all the top players should be checked on a regular basis for engine use. Unfortunately many engine users are never investigated because nobody bothers to report them.

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Originally posted by JDK2
Thats a very good question! One I have been thinking about.

In theory, to test someone you'd need at least 100 games as a good sample, so in theory they would have been on the site for a while.

I would recommend maybe a 2 year expiring 'tested and approved' icon, which can also be taken away immediately, and banned from the site should the game mods fi ...[text shortened]... heating' threads off the forums. Maybe the other way maybe to just ban the thread creator?
Accusations of cheating are already against forum rules and they are deleted whenever a mod is alerted to them.

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Many thanks for your views. Having walked this idea through, I think you're right. Its could also be a complete pain to implement.

Kind Regards


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This thread needs a BAD IDEA icon.

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Originally posted by JDK2
Thats true Xanthos, but thats the case for everything. It would be tested and approved to site test regulations. If it passes the site test then that should be enough.

Originally posted by XanthosNZ
What if further evidence were to come to light? What if a player once recieving such an icon decided now was the time to cheat?
These two points don't have to be mutually exclusive.

It sounds to me as if JDK2 is suggesting a sort of MOT test/certificate for users here.

For those who are not UK resident, the MOT is a vehicle test here where a car is passed as suitable for use on the road - valid for 12 months. Now this doesn't mean that the car is road worthy, just that it was found to be road worthy at the time of the test. It is a requirement of law that all vehicles on the road have to have a valid MOT certificate, and that it has to be renewed each year.

This system, or a system similar to it, could be used to identify whether a particular user has been checked previously, and not found evidence on that occasion (or something)

Now, I am not necessarily saying that I agree with this, just pointing out how a system like this could be used.

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Also, the mods only have so much time, so they can't check everyone (or rather all the high rating players anyway). If some players started having "approved" ratings, wouldn't people start to automatically suspect that anyone without the icon was under investigation, whether they really were or not?

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Originally posted by UmbrageOfSnow
Also, the mods only have so much time, so they can't check everyone (or rather all the high rating players anyway). If some players started having "approved" ratings, wouldn't people start to automatically suspect that anyone without the icon was under investigation, whether they really were or not?
The thing is, this happens already. Anyone in the top 100 who has not already been banned, seems to be automatically under suspicion. This is not right! In fact, many users seem to actually go off looking for evidence.

We do need a return to the age-old saying "innocent until proven guilty".

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