Heinzkat is posting loads of Black to play and win problems.
I'm solving them with the PGN moving thing that's broken
and having to get White going first and this is causing all sorts of confusion.
This is a Chess Site. We are all here to play Chess.
Not to discuss wether or not we have a gay & lesbian forum or what
God did and did not create. Here we play chess. It's the primary function.
We were promised this would get fixed nearly a year ago.
What have I got since then?
A wee stupid box appearing at the bottom of my screen telling me loads
of things I don't want to know and something the poe faced losers
can plug into their iphones (or what ever it is).
How hard can it be to fix?
You can whip the money out of my account quickly enough without
even a thank you email. You have that down to fine art.
How about putting the same lad who wrote the money grabbing program
onto fixing the pgn thingy so Black can go first.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Totally agree!
Heinzkat is posting loads of Black to play and win problems.
I'm solving them with the PGN moving thing that's broken
and having to get White going first and this is causing all sorts of confusion.
This is a Chess Site. We are all here to play Chess.
Not to discuss wether or not we have a gay & lesbian forum or what
God did and did not create lad who wrote the money grabbing program
onto fixing the pgn thingy so Black can go first.
A PGN viewer cannot be considered complete without the possibility to make the black move first.
If it is complete, then I must say there is a grave bug in it.
Correct it, Russ, correct it!
Originally posted by greenpawn34We're also waiting on ratings floors here... that's very important too.
Heinzkat is posting loads of Black to play and win problems.
I'm solving them with the PGN moving thing that's broken
and having to get White going first and this is causing all sorts of confusion.
This is a Chess Site. We are all here to play Chess.
Not to discuss wether or not we have a gay & lesbian forum or what
God did and did not create ...[text shortened]... lad who wrote the money grabbing program
onto fixing the pgn thingy so Black can go first.
Russ! Put the gay forum on the back burner and get on it!~
Originally posted by greenpawn34Yup. This would be nice. Rec'd
Heinzkat is posting loads of Black to play and win problems.
I'm solving them with the PGN moving thing that's broken
and having to get White going first and this is causing all sorts of confusion.
This is a Chess Site. We are all here to play Chess.
Not to discuss wether or not we have a gay & lesbian forum or what
God did and did not create ...[text shortened]... lad who wrote the money grabbing program
onto fixing the pgn thingy so Black can go first.
I think all the extra features created for this site are a good thing but chess issues come first. Fixing this would mean more move to win problems being posted which in tern would mean more of us learning to play better and having fun.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Hey, and make it work like the game history or analysis board, so we can work out variations on it, pretty please. π
Heinzkat is posting loads of Black to play and win problems.
I'm solving them with the PGN moving thing that's broken
and having to get White going first and this is causing all sorts of confusion.
This is a Chess Site. We are all here to play Chess.
Not to discuss wether or not we have a gay & lesbian forum or what
God did and did not create ...[text shortened]... lad who wrote the money grabbing program
onto fixing the pgn thingy so Black can go first.
Originally posted by greenpawn34I dont know what you did to piss off the man, but....
Heinzkat is posting loads of Black to play and win problems.
I'm solving them with the PGN moving thing that's broken
and having to get White going first and this is causing all sorts of confusion.
This is a Chess Site. We are all here to play Chess.
Not to discuss wether or not we have a gay & lesbian forum or what
God did and did not create ...[text shortened]... lad who wrote the money grabbing program
onto fixing the pgn thingy so Black can go first.
...I dont think god wants you to have a PGN where black moves firstπ
But God has granted Black moving first in PGN thingys
on all the other chess playing site.
I won't mention who they are, I'm not in the habit of giving
free advertising to these 'joke' sites.
This is the best and the only chess playing site I regularly quote and recommend.
To Less Experienced Posters:
Note how the greenpawn has now turned into a slithering creep.
This is the 'reverse the feeling of guilt manoeuvre'.
Those thinking Russ is too busy to bother with such mundane triviolity
are now on my side.
Look and learn boys, look and learn.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Yes, but, as you probably believe, god is allknowing. He knows you like this site best. So in order to get back at you he only had to disable black moving first in the PGNs on this site. Thereby he 'saved' as much as possible innocent people on other chess sites, who can use PGNs normally. Its what god does.
But God has granted Black moving first in PGN thingys
on all the other chess playing site.
You can compare this to wealth around the globe. Only a 'few' countrys around the globe are poor as hell and have people dying (dieing?) from hunger etc. all the time. But alot of other countrys can be wealthy partly because of that. And that is what god did!π
Originally posted by greenpawn34Lol. Slithering creep or not this feature correction was promised was it not?
But God has granted Black moving first in PGN thingys
on all the other chess playing site.
I won't mention who they are, I'm not in the habit of giving
free advertising to these 'joke' sites.
This is the best and the only chess playing site I regularly quote and recommend.
[b]To Less Experienced Posters:
Note how the greenpawn has now ...[text shortened]... with such mundane triviolity
are now on my side.
Look and learn boys, look and learn.[/b]
Maybe just maybe Russ is fixing the problem right now and did not want to post here before it's fixed as it would appear to be another empty promise - wishful thinking.