Originally posted by KewpieRight click, then click properties, the last word in the address.
🙂 standard smiley
😀 big animated grin
😉 wink
😛 poking tongue (or maybe tongue in cheek)
😕 doubtful
😠 scowl
😳 blushing
🙁 sad
:'( weeping
😵 inebriated
🙄 rolling eyes
😴 bored or sleeping
Can someone please enlighten me as to the meaning of 😞 😏 😲 ?
What would a facepalm smiley indicate?
Originally posted by ChessPraxisFigured this had to be in IE, loaded it, found Properties, but no idea what I'm supposed to be seeing there.
Right click, then click properties, the last word in the address.
Is this it? (head in hands, despairing) http://backcountrypost.com/forum/addedsmilies/facepalm.gif
Originally posted by ChessPraxisGive licenses to fleets of industrial fishing ships to suck up all the fish from developing country waters for consumption in the first world, and the local fishers can move to the city and beg at traffic lights for a lifetime. 😠
Give a man a fish, he eats for a day
teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.
Originally posted by KewpieYeah, that'd do the job. Could be used both in "d'oh!" and "strewth" contexts.
Figured this had to be in IE, loaded it, found Properties, but no idea what I'm supposed to be seeing there.
Is this it? (head in hands, despairing) http://backcountrypost.com/forum/addedsmilies/facepalm.gif