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Thematioc Tournaments PGN

Thematioc Tournaments PGN

Site Ideas


Ok i was downloading the OPGNs for all my games when i notice this 1. d3 Bf8e7 2. Ng5xf7, and looked at it confused the realized that when the server generates the PGN file, IT DOES NOT generate the opening moves in with the move list, and in order to fix the problem you would have to insert the actual moves first and then renumber the whole game to fit the proper move #, can this be fixed??

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Also since we are sorta on the subject of downloading the games, can it be possible to get all the games emailed to us that are in one folder, instead of just the last 100 games

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I agree totally.

Why not include the preludium moves?
Why not email all games, not only the 100 latest games.

And when we're at it.
Why not have all games down loadable from a certain tournament too? So I get them all in one go. A source of much appreciated analysis from a thematic tournament.

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I totally agree.

I've already asked for this a couple of weeks ago via the feedback form and was told that it was something they will do in the future (not short term).


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Originally posted by McKnights
Ok i was downloading the OPGNs for all my games when i notice this 1. d3 Bf8e7 2. Ng5xf7, and looked at it confused the realized that when the server generates the PGN file, IT DOES NOT generate the opening moves in with the move list, and in order to fix the problem you would have to insert the actual moves first and then renumber the whole game to fit the proper move #, can this be fixed??
It wouldn't have to include the move list, BTW. It could also include a setup position. This can be done using the SetUp and FEN tags. That should work just as well.


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