Is it possible to remove thread titles from the title bar in firefox/IE?
I'm hoping to continue participating in some of my more "mature" private forums while at work yet still retain my job. This is challenging when certain threads have titles with explicit sexual imagery or politically incorrect colloquialisms.
Any help?
Would this add-on be any use to you?
edit: I don't know if it's been updated for FF3 yet.....🙁
edit2: seems he's got a version that works....
Better still:
Originally posted by darvlayGreaseMonkey much?
Is it possible to remove thread titles from the title bar in firefox/IE?
I'm hoping to continue participating in some of my more "mature" private forums while at work yet still retain my job. This is challenging when certain threads have titles with explicit sexual imagery or politically incorrect colloquialisms.
Any help?
I use a free hosting site to hold my scripts and I guess you get what you pay for as the damn thing is down (again).
If you have patience then try this link -
eventually there will be a script there that does what you want.
If you're in a hurry then try this -
Save the following as a file called reset_title.user.js
Firefox : File -> Open File & install the script.
Go to the 'My Games' page and the game id's should now be clickable. You'll get a new window with the analysis board.
================== copy below this line ==================
// VERSION=210409
// ==UserScript==
// @name Reset Title
// @namespace orangutan
// @description Alter the title of a thread (boss safety)
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
var titleBit = document.evaluate("id('docbody_id'😉/table[1]/tbody/tr/td[2]",
document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
titleBit.snapshotItem(0).innerHTML =
"<table border=\"0\"><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">Set Title :</td>" +
"<td align=\"center\"> </td><td align=\"center\">" +
"<input type=\"text\" size=\"100\" maxlength=\"100\" id=\"gm_newTitle\">" +
var gm_newTitle = document.getElementById("gm_newTitle" ) ;
gm_newTitle.value = document.title;
function(event) {
document.title = gm_newTitle.value;
}, true);
================== copy above this line ==================
This should work on all the RHP pages (not just the forums) - you'll get a little text box at the top right that will have the text of the page title in it. Overtype this with whatever you want & get the title of the page to update by tabbing out of the text field.
Note - for those without the GreaseMonkey magic -
Get Firefox =
Get the Greasemonkey extension =
Originally posted by orangutanDude, Daemon Sin and I are getting something going (slowly) on a dot com domain.
GreaseMonkey much?
I use a free hosting site to hold my scripts and I guess you get what you pay for as the damn thing is down (again).
If you have patience then try this link -
eventually there will be a script there that does what you want.
If you're in a hurry then try this -
S ...[text shortened]...[/b][/b]
I can host all your scripts on there if you want.
Originally posted by darvlayIn Firefox hit Ctrl+Shift+J & you should get the error console.
I apprecaite these ideas however the add-on didn't work for me and neither did the script. Am I doing something wrong?
Hit the clear button to get rid of all the crud in there and then the error button so you're not bothered with any warnings etc.
Then refresh the RHP page.
Do you get any lines show up?
If so, what do they say?
With my script you should get a box in the top of the page that has the text of the title in it. Alter the text and then click or tab out of the box to get the title to change.