

Site Ideas


31 May 12
01 Feb 21

@ponderable said
So the quoted part was a word that triggered the automatic alert.

I persume it is the word that reads like a deregatory term for people of Colour is you remove the "s".
Ah, the infamous sn-word.

Also, I should have written reap what he "sowed", not "sewed." I must proofread more carefully. Spell checkers are the bane of good writers; if the spell checker doesn't flag it, I assume it must be correct. Correctly spelt, but not always the right word!

18 Jan 07
03 Feb 21

@moonbus said
Ah, the infamous sn-word.

Also, I should have written reap what he "sowed", not "sewed." I must proofread more carefully. Spell checkers are the bane of good writers; if the spell checker doesn't flag it, I assume it must be correct. Correctly spelt, but not always the right word!
No, you bleeding well shouldn't. You should never even have to. Web sites should employ fundamentally more intelligent [[blank]]ing procedures, or employ none at all except human supervision. This has been well known for decades.

Any website which is dumb$><& enough to still cause the ****thorpe Problem in 2020 deserves to be kicked - server, owner, webmaster, major stock-holders and all - back into last century, and kept there in darkness, ignominy and financial destitution until it and they can get their heads out of their ****s and employ a post-AOL solution. And yes, that does include Faceblerk and their banning of Plymouth Hoe just last month.

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