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Timebank days remaining in the Games overview

Timebank days remaining in the Games overview

Site Ideas

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I would like to have "the timebank days remaining" in numbers in the "My Game" view, without having to click on every single game to get the pop-up with the info.

So the My Games view would need extra collumns MT(movetimeout), IT(Initial Timebank), W(white) and B(black).

It´s not an overload of requests to the server, as you are sending this info already as the pop-up appear without connecting to the server.
So it would only be an adjustment to the layout of the View on the "My Games" page.

I don´t want to click to see the information(it´s not handy and with RSI/hand constraints its cumbersome)
I can choose faster what game needs my attention when I have not that much time to play all games that day, and I need to choose what game first will be in the "danger zone" regarding timebank days left.

I hope this is a small change, but would bring the info in the "My Games" to an even beter level. :-)

Still loving this site! :-)

Marcel. aka KingH

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Great idea!😀

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