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tv screen

Site Ideas

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..i would like a small window set up on the game page where all that
white empty space is to the right so that we could put in some video
from the computer or a movie to watch while we wait on a move...

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I've been able to watch TV on my computer through the cable or satellite. Just search for some programs. This has nothing to do with RHP.

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Originally posted by Coconut
I've been able to watch TV on my computer through the cable or satellite. Just search for some programs. This has nothing to do with RHP.
I think he meant that he wanted a video player embedded in the page to fill up the empty space. Not a bad idea to me either.

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Originally posted by Wayne1324
I think he meant that he wanted a video player embedded in the page to fill up the empty space. Not a bad idea to me either.
I understand what he wanted, but there's no reason to do it if you can get a program that will go anywhere on the screen you want.

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Originally posted by Coconut
I understand what he wanted, but there's no reason to do it if you can get a program that will go anywhere on the screen you want.
Good point.

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