Hi Russ,
1. next game option should be configurable i.e. There should be a provision/seeting by which user/player can go to next game in the queue directly as it is now or should be able to move directly on the active game which has minimum timebank and timout combination. Currently player has to go to my games and then select that game for move.
2. provision to skip the game should be availabe
Originally posted by GauravV2) There is already a skip button. Keep your eyes open and you will see it. 🙂 Its very small though.
Hi Russ,
1. next game option should be configurable i.e. There should be a provision/seeting by which user/player can go to next game in the queue directly as it is now or should be able to move directly on the active game which has minimum timebank and timout combination. Currently player has to go to my games and then select that game for move.
2. provision to skip the game should be availabe