I suggest that RHP offer unrated tournaments (in addition to the set piece ones). Many people are concerned about their ratings. While they can set up individual invitations to play unrated games, an unrated stress-free tournament would be even more fun and possibly more noticeable. I didn't notice that unrated games were available until today after searching the forums since I only play tournaments, clan league games and ladders.
Unrated games also help with the following problem that could occur if all games were rated. I figure my rating could go down by 600 or more points if I were to play loosely for a while. And when it's 600 points lower and I start to play seriously again - i.e. use the permissible tools, set up the physical pieces, spend more time thinking before moving ... - folks may be upset by losing to a lower rated player. I saw a thread that complained about sandbagging. An unrated tournament would more easily facilitate an outlet from serious play.
Whilst the loss of rating points really is not something I overly concern myself with, I fully agree that to many it does...games drag on beyond what they should, draws are offered when they plainly are not etc etc. I do tend to 'experiment' more with set piece games ...I think unrated tournies would be a good thing, maybe the winners only getting points would tempt those more concerned with their rate ??
Good idea.
I'd play in some of these. These rated games are taken too seriously and I
have to dedicate precious hours to tripping up the boys.
Also like my 1979 grade - 1979 was the year my daughter was born.
You could treat them like long blitz games and have loads and loads of fun.
Do clubs not have the facility to set up non-rated tournaments
amongst themselves?
Anyway good idea.
At least give it an experimental try 40 players 1.day and 3 day time bank.
It will surely be easy to set up. Count me in. Rec'd.
Edit !:
Just thought - this should cut out the 'you know what'. What would be
the point of boxing a non rated lighted hearted affair.
What a good idea: (where have you been)
Can't wait for these guys to get their fingers out of their bums.
I'm off to set up some non rated challenges.
At another site where I play (which must be nameless) any subscriber, even the ones on the lowest level of $30 per year, can create tournaments and choose the rules for that tournament - including rated/unrated. They get an awful lot of stuff for their $30, we should be asking for this here. Naturally they have a lot of tournaments created that never fill, but that could be got around by deleting any that haven't filled in 3 days, the way the open invites do.
You might be able to create unrated tournaments through a club. You could name the club "Unrated Tournaments" and send out invites to people to join. It would take some time and effort, but the ability might already be there.
I am a little concerned that unrated tournaments will cause a whole bunch of "Time Out" victories because some high rated players who are playing fast are off the hip, might not allow their ego to take the hit. That's just a hunch. After all, the purpose of the unrated tournament is to preserve ego isn't it?
Originally posted by Fred RyanJust myself opining here but I thought the primary concern of the original poster was the creation of a 'stressless affair' ... one might find some interesting games whereby people may well take advantage and feel free to experiment with ideas etc without the loss of rating points. That being said, you make the valid point that some may well freely dispose of unwanted games ( overly ambitious games perhaps ).
I am a little concerned that unrated tournaments will cause a whole bunch of "Time Out" victories because some high rated players who are playing fast are off the hip, might not allow their ego to take the hit. That's just a hunch. After all, the purpose of the unrated tournament is to preserve ego isn't it?
As regards the ego, there is probably little kudos for such people in winning a tournament but no great raft of points attached.