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Votes Forum

Votes Forum

Site Ideas

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Why not have a forum where discuss all the Votes,their results,idea for the Votes and related issues?
I think that votes ,as they are now,are not much advertised between the community and only a small part of the users happens to know that there's a vote in act.
With a Votes Forum this feature would involve more users and would gain in meaning with discussions in the forum.

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Very nice idea. Get's a rec from me.


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Originally posted by GalaxyShield
Very nice idea. Get's a rec from me.

Thanks,it surely would help the feature to gain more importance in amongst Rhp users,but seems that no one cares about having a votes Forum,so..............

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Originally posted by Ravello
Thanks,it surely would help the feature to gain more importance in amongst Rhp users,but seems that no one cares about having a votes Forum,so..............
Yeah, no body seems to care but if we actually had a votes forum I'm sure people would post quite a bit and such. It's just like the thread a made a couple days ago in this forum, people have said they wanted something easier but fail to read and support an idea that would help what they've said they wanted. Oh well, people can be odd.


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Originally posted by Ravello
Why not have a forum where discuss all the Votes,their results,idea for the Votes and related issues?
I think that votes ,as they are now,are not much advertised between the community and only a small part of the users happens to know that there's a vote in act.
With a Votes Forum this feature would involve more users and would gain in meaning with discussions in the forum.
Excellent, Ravello. Gets my rec.

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